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Seattle Public Library

Glacier's Goodies Brand Identity


Glacier's Goodies and Gear

My role

Brand Creator & Designer | Business Owner


Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Shopify, Midjourney


Glacier’s Goodies is a small business I founded in 2023. Inspired by my dog Glacier's struggle with a sensitive stomach and the lack of suitable treats in stores, I researched ingredients beneficial for dogs with digestive issues and began making her food and treats at home. This led to the creation of Glacier’s Goodies, with the goal of producing healthy, digestive-friendly treats for dogs. To launch the business, I developed a complete brand identity.


I began making treats and developing a unique recipe before deciding to turn it into a small business. My initial thought was how to make the treats more appealing to dog parents. Traditional treat packaging often comes in standard pouches, so I wanted to create something unique yet cost-efficient, as I planned to produce all the packaging at home. I decided on a candy bar shape for the treats, a unique approach not commonly seen in stores. While dogs might not get excited about a candy bar, the owners are the ones making the purchases. As a dog owner, I would be thrilled to find a treat shaped like a candy bar on the store shelf. I wanted to ensure a focus on the consumer experience, making the treats not only healthy and tasty for dogs but also exciting and appealing to dog lovers. From there, I created the logo. I chose a typeface that evoked excitement and subtly emphasized that this is a dog treat business by making slight adjustments to the type to resemble dog chews. Since the plan included selling dog accessories, I incorporated a leash visual in the logo with a lesser hierarchy. I used a variation of the logomark on the candy bar mold, so each square on the bar features a branded visual. For the packaging, I wanted to print and pack at home, so I wrapped each bar in foil with a paper label, reminiscent of how Hershey’s used to wrap their chocolate bars. Utilizing my illustration skills, I created unique illustrations for each flavor to go on the wrapper. Complying with the strict regulations for selling dog treats, I designed the packaging to meet all guidelines while still creating appealing labels to attract consumers. I also focused on sustainability by choosing eco-friendly materials for the packaging, which resonated well with environmentally-conscious customers. Throughout the process, I conducted user testing by giving out samples to friends and family and offering free samples at markets. This feedback was crucial in refining the product, ensuring that both dogs and their owners enjoyed the treats. It took some iteration to perfect the dehydration process for the treats and select the right packaging material to extend shelf life effectively. To handle the photography aspect on a budget, I utilized MidJourney to generate photos that fit my branding needs. This allowed me to achieve professional-looking visuals without the expense of a photoshoot.
Initially, I only planned on selling these treats at local markets, but to prepare for retail, I designed store displays and flavor badges to clearly communicate what customers are buying. This project is still a work in progress. I plan to continue leveraging my design and illustration skills to further evolve the branding, expanding into dog gear, swag, and more.

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